Nick Pitts-Tucker
Nick Pitts-Tucker founded Cantata Dramatica in January 2012 with the initial objective of organising a performance of a dramatica cantata (Perpetua), for which he had already written the libretto. The music was commissioned from Nick Bicât and the premiére took place in Oxford in November 2012.
Nick provides the vision and drive behind the Cantata Dramatica, as well as organising most of the funding. Further commissions have followed, and there are still more in the pipeline.
Julia Stutfield
Julia Stutfield started working with Cantata Dramatica a few weeks before the Perpetua preview concert on 9 March 2012, with nothing much organised apart from the venue and the date. The concert was a success, and since then she has become the organisational heart of Cantata Dramatica, turning her hand to everything from engaging artists and editing musical scores to marketing, design and administration.
Virginia Goode
Virginia Goode joined Cantata Dramatica as Secretary in May 2014
She also acts as Treasurer, ensuring that Cantata Dramatica meets all the requirements of a not-for-profit organisation.